Monday, October 18, 2010

English Language SA2 Mock Paper 2

Given on 18.10.2010 for PSLE Marking Days

Section A - G
Phrases to be highlighted are in blue
  1. 3
  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. 2
  5. 1
  6. 3 (Yesterday, Mr Wong)
  7. 4 (now, she)
  8. 2 (not to buy, people)
  9. 4 (last friday, boys)
  10. 3 (Peter and I)
  11. 1 (girls, over there)
  12. 4
  13. 1
  14. 3
  15. 3
  16. 4
  17. 2
  18. 4
  19. C Mountains
  20. A Different
  21. F Tallest
  22. D Only
  23. B I
  24. C My
  25. D She
  26. F Us
  27. C Rang
  28. E is ringing
  29. A Ring
  30. F Was ringing
  31. Is the baby asleep or awake?
  32. Both the thief and his accomplice were arrested yesterday.
  33. You must open a letter before you can read it.
Section H
34. They were going home.
35. She heard a yelp from a bush near the pavement.
36. They applied some medicine to the puppy's wound (1m) and gave it a bowl of milk.
37. They knew from the address on the puppy's collar.
38. It means near/ close to/ within walking distance.


  1. Ms ang,for question 33,why must we change the 'want to' to 'can'? How do we know when to change to 'can' when we face such a question ?

  2. Hi anonymous, we basically look at the sentence structure first. In this case, it is logical that you must "do something" before you can proceed to the next step. Not because you want to proceed. The keyword here will be "before". You will know when the first step (open a letter) is a necessary step before you can apply the next step (read it).

    For eg. You must prepare the ingredients before you can cook your meal.

  3. For question 36, can we say that they gave the puppy some milk instead of s bowl of milk?

  4. For question 37, can we write "there was an address on the puppy's collar" instead of "they knew the address on the puppy's collar"?

  5. Both answers are accepted for Q35 & 37.
